As life long practitioners of the old way we take time out to share our learnings though workshops and rituals aswell as our "Witchy Wednesdays" where we go live on our facebook shop page and talk about where we all are on the wheel of the year, what is coming up, what is happening in the world and the spiritual pespectives aswell as the obstacles we all come up against while trying to manover through this life.
We join live on facebook through a private group where you can learn about specific topics and join in the ritual with us. The video is then available through catch up for a week after to do in your own time. We have found this way we can join together with other witches from all over the world without logistic limitations. We aim for our workshops to create a communnity of like minded men and women who want to awaken the ancestrial roots of the earth and create those spiritual connections through the cosmos to Deities, Goddesses, Titans and more.
We cover many topics from the moon phases, sabbats aswell as deeper workshops about specific deities and goddesses some of which are aimed more for the advanced practitioner rather then moderate to beginner.
If you are interested in our workshops then please browse our store for our latest availabilities.
I will be adding to this page as often as I can. Here you will find information on different deities and Goddesses without all the tarnishing and distortion of manmade religions which has led to so much confusion and disrespectful information being spread like wild fire, so let’s put that out and get things back to the old ways and get that spiritual connection back to what it once was and how it can be again. We get asked a lot about our spiritual practice and we thought this would be a good way of sharing some base information to help broaden peoples perspectives.
What is a Goddess ???
A Goddess is a girl or woman who has lived many life times dedicated to their spiritual elders, stood in honour of the Deities and Goddesses and after discovering their true self and unlocked their feminine energy have never lost themselves though turmoil, battles, destruction and horrific experiences and still help others to discover their true selves and never strayed from their spiritual path and never lost themselves to greed and earthly power and riches. Never fit into the expectations of others and lived their lives how they saw fit. They are free from arrogance and egos. It is not a title that is lightly given as it means they cannot be born again and devote themselves to the akasha, the core of all existence and work hard at helping the elements churn in unity to keep the spiritual and earthly exitances working together. This title is bestowed to them by other Deities, Goddesses and Titans.
Sadly, it has become a title that is thrown about to take away its worth. People use the term to describe a physically attractive woman, but this isn’t the case. A goddess cannot be noticed by her appearance or how attractive they are. It is far beyond the physical and is not led by how attractive someone is. This is one of the downfalls of the way the world is now sadly that some believe that a great and powerful title would be bestowed on someone purely because they looked attractive. Our bodies age, we carry scars and marks that are memories of who we are and what we have endured, some battles we face are so intense that our spirit carries those markings but this would never be a hindrance to a Goddess, markings in battle show experience and strength because regardless of what they have faced, they still stand strong and never give up as long as one of us is still standing they will always be with us by our side. It has also been used to describe a strong woman but again this isnt the case. We can be strong and inspirational to others but we would be nothing without the support and guidance of the Goddesses, Deities, our elders and guides that have helped us along our journey, every step of the way.
Another myth is that a goddess is a part of us all. This is another tainted snippet due to religious influence where they brought about the story of adam and eve and Lilith. If your believing that humanity is now the distorted creation of a brother and sister, then please find the door and use it. Humankind have been around for millions and millions of years long before the written word and religions were ever formed. Our ancestors followed the elements because they relied on them and live or died by them. The moon dictated if it was safe to hunt or better to stay hidden, she controlled the tides, the rivers, the cycles and our emotions. She was a guiding sign of times to come as the sun brought warmth, showed when it was time to prepare the earth for planting seeds, for nurturing plants, harvesting and storing food to survive the harsh winters to come. Our ancestors learned so much from animals and plant life around them that they lived in tune with the elements around them where as now the breathe we take isn’t even thought of let alone appreciated, how many take the time to look for the moon in the nights sky or even notice it any more ?? I’m hoping to inspire people to rekindle their spiritual connections with the old ways so we can strengthen that connection and awaken the old ways for more people on the earth.