Todmorden's Pagan, Witchcraft and Dreadlock specialists

Birthday wish spell kit


Our spell kits are created with experience, dedication and wisdom that has been passed down from our ancestors along our journey.

The birthday wish spell is to set your manifestations in place for the year ahead, to give gratitude for all your blessings of life and the progress you have made until this day and stepping forward with strength, gratitude, open to knowledge and wisdom for the future.

The deities, goddesses, elders and our guides have millions of years of experience and wisdom to help us along our journey, we just need to reach out and that is exactly what our sets are for, to assist your spiritual connection to get your voice heard by those older then time it's self.

Each set comes with full instructions and all you will need for the spell. Remember with any spiritual work, you are expected to meet half way, guidance is only worth giving if the one receiving it is willing to listen and take notice.

Bespoke sets available on request.