Todmorden's Pagan, Witchcraft and Dreadlock specialists

Ostara & Equinox ticket DEPOSIT


** please note this is a DEPOSIT, the remaining £20 is payable in cash on the door.***

Join us for another Witches circle here in gorgeous todmorden where we will share the beauty of the spring equinox and prepare for a truly beautiful time.

join like-minded people and receive a wonderful energy cleansing before we even begin.

we will then progress to discuss the beauty of spring, the deities, goddesses and how we can take part in nature and awaken our witches pathway with the help of the ancient ancestors.

we will share some light refreshments together (please let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements)

Each person will get a choice of a rune or tarot reading to aid in guidance for their steps forwards.

We have a wonderful suprise for each person to create something beautiful for your altar to connect with the energy of the earthys rhythm.

Together we will take part in a wonderful ritual where we will call upon the elements, the deities and goddesses and welcome them into our circle & give our gratitude for all the blessings we have received, connect with the energies of the planets, the earth, the sun and the moon and guided by stars and awaken our journey in tune with the earth's sparks of life.

we will meet at Todfellows space on Oxford street, todmorden at 3.30pm until 5.30pm

there is adequate paid parking available, and two steps into the building, no stairs.

deposits are nonrefundable or transferable.