Todmorden's Pagan, Witchcraft and Dreadlock specialists

Spiritual Workings Consultation


Lisa & Spider have been life long practitioners of the old ways and have helped thousands of people together over the two decades through the shop.

We have come across so much over our lifetimes and combined we have the experience and resources to help those who have been stuck in spiritual attacks and targeted by those who are manipulative and deceiving with horiffic spiritual consequences, hexing, cursing, opening doorways and targeting people who are not deserving of such attacks.

Our consultation is to discover exactly what needs to be done and if it's something you want to take further. We will also discuss costs of any further workings giving you the option if you want to move forwards or not.

our consultations can be in person at our shop or via video call. please specify what suites you at the time of ordering. please choose the free shipping option as there is no fee payable to a shipping company so is not charged for this appointment.

*****Please note that this is for those who are needing help and not for anything relating to love spells, returning your ex etc. this is only to help those who have been targeted maliciously.